Shining a bright light directly into your patient’s pupil, you have one second to catch the speed of dilation, 8-10 seconds to estimate size, about 4 seconds to determine whether those approximations are relatively normal—and you do it all relying on nothing more than years of practice and your own naked eye. And for the most part, it’s worked. As long as you have plenty of elbow room for error.
Physicians have trusted the pupillary light reflex (PLR) to assess a number of clinical conditions for more than 100 years. Popular for its role in concussion analysis, PLR has also been used to gauge depth level of sedation, detect consciousness and diagnose brain death in comatose patients, and screen for retinoblastoma in infants.
why then all the fuss over qplr? and why now?
An explosion of technological advancement has led neuroscientists to newer, more profound understandings of the human eye and brain. Inevitably, the traditional PLR assessment is no longer capable of keeping up—let alone facilitating the caliber of research being performed today. Thus, the quantitative pupillary light reflex (qPLR) was born.
Okay. But would I even use it?
If you’ve spent any time reading about qPLR on the internet, you’ve likely encountered a seemingly endless scope of clinical applications. Of course, it’s not for everyone—and for some, it may even be a waste. But for those practices that do stand to benefit from a qPLR device, the transformation is substantial.
Reflex by brightlamp is the world’s first fully functional mobile pupillometer. To learn more about how it works and why medical professionals prefer Reflex for their qPLR needs click here.
To help you determine whether quantitative pupillometry is right for you, we’ve compiled a simple five-criteria list to get you started.
#1. is there a neurologist in the house?
qPLR assists in the quantifiable management of neurological disturbance indicators. Validated through peer-reviewed research for objectivity, accuracy, and convenience, qPLR is an underutilized neurocognitive biomarker.
If you are responsible for …
Diagnosing concussions, TBI progression and degree
Tracking neurological fluctuations
Stroke and legion triangulation
Mapping responses along neurological pathways to isolate a point mass
Evaluating memory care assessments in geriatric patients
Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias
Evaluating effectiveness of treatments for Alzheimer’s and dementia
Diagnosing CNS disorders such as Parkinson’s disease
Obtaining previously undetectable neurological data from the eye
… then quantitative pupillometry is right for your practice.

#2. pediatricians raise your hands.
Child psychiatric and mental health professionals, developmental pediatricians, and pediatric neurologists are turning to portable qPLR devices for noninvasive, quantifiable accuracy. Additionally, the 1-5 -second acquisition time and 5-second test processing allows for a gentler, more holistic experience for patients.
If you are responsible for …
Testing the integrity of subcortical afferent and efferent functionality after 31 weeks’ gestation
Evaluating the efficacy of ECT seizure induction
Diagnosing third cranial nerve/oculomotor nerve palsy in children
Early detection of Autism and other cholinergic-dependent neurological development disorders
Detecting pediatric contraction anisocoria
Confirming Horner syndrome, tonic pupil, and pharmacologic mydriasis
Detecting biological indicators of onset pediatric depression risk
… then quantitative pupillometry is right for your practice.

#3. calling all optometrists and ophthalmologists
If you are responsible for …
Diagnosing and detecting various stages of glaucoma
Identifying relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) due to a lesion along the pupillary pathway
Documenting, saving, and exporting measurements and test results
Regulating lighting, brightness, and distance standardizations
Diagnosing a variety of complications such as Adie syndrome, diabetic eye disease, ischemic optic neuropathy, and more
… then quantitative pupillometry is right for your practice.
#4. to therapy and beyond
If you are …
A sleep disorder specialist
A vision therapist
An anesthesiologist
A movement disorder specialist
An athletic trainer responsible for quickly detecting sports-related concussions
Or any administrative professional who relies on the ability to accurately detect fatigue or drug impairment
… then quantitative pupillometry is mostly likely right for your practice.

How can Reflex assist with your practice needs?
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